Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Oneness with Trump

Here is a bold statement I heard once: “If you are triggered by Trump you are living in the concept of Oneness.” 

Because of fear of being stoned by the collective consciousness mob, there are very few saying, “Trump” and “Oneness” in the same sentence these days. But for hardcore people who want to grow, here it goes, if Trump triggers you, you very likely have parts within you that need connecting. This statement is often met with much resistance, especially for those that identify as “spiritual.” The solution for many would be to bring more awareness to a thing called compartmentalization.

Compartmentalization is when parts of your life are connected to source and flowing (cue butterflies, rainbows and “Namaste’s”), while others are not. One part within yourself such as “Mediator” may not have been introduced to another part within yourself perhaps called “Activist.” People have the tendency to compartmentalize many things such as work, home life, spirituality, family, friends, certain humor, and even happiness. What can be compartmentalized is really limitless. The downfall for those who aim to experience a life with Oneness is that Oneness cannot exist where things are compartmentalized.

I regularly have the chance to speak to someone who is permanently free of the ego. He shared this beautiful insight about living in Oneness. “ Resistance to anything external is compartmentalization and is suffering. There is no suffering in Oneness.“ This led me to a deep contemplation and personal challenge, where many individual things started to click. Every time I felt an inkling of pressure in my chest, I immediately brought awareness to it. I started to breathe more consciously and just a little deeper. I felt the burning that was there. I continued to bring awareness to the thoughts that were in my proximity, the past experiences I had that caused this emotional response. I dug deep to connect every single program, habit & idea that tried to separate me from my Higher Self. I became a relentless resistance hunter. Here is the deal. It was intense! This process of moment-by-moment inner integrity and authenticity is not for the meek that are trying on the hat of “Spiritual Seeker” as a part-time hobby.

For those of you who want to give it a try, I lovingly propose this. Next time someone says the word “Trump” go inward, go directly to the feeling in your chest. Breathe into it. Relax into it.  Ask your Higher Self to show you what is it about the word Trump, or the vision of his face that causes this feeling internally. If your first response is “well he” or “how could someone like him,” the feelings of pure anger, or “this is bullshit,” go into that. Ask to be shown what is behind that. Ask for light to connect that. Anger needs to be loved. Resistance needs to be connected. Did you know there is a community of people consciously sending love to anger, showering resistance with Divine Presence right here in the Midwest? Not externally, but internally. Not as a loopy spiritual concept, but as a deeply internal burning of the heart center. Burning off the things that humanity as a whole cannot handle. The fact of the matter is this; Donald Trump came into Presidency at exactly the perfect time to be a teacher, to show the world things that need to be connected. Not in the external world but in the internal world. How do I know this to be true? Because it is happening and it is the “what is.” External divisiveness will not exist once the internal compartmentalization is healed. 

Oneness is de-compartmentalization. Divine Grace can flow unrestricted when all parts of your life are aware of each other. Awareness allows for the walls of separateness and compartmentalization to be dissolved. This is when true Oneness can move from a concept to an experience.

Monday, October 9, 2017

3 Mindful Ways To Have A Great Week

Your Conscious Mind can process 5-9 bits of information per second. Compared to your Unconscious Mind which can process 12 million bits of information in the same time. So I've compiled 3 easy mindful ways for you to consciously create a great week for yourself!

1) Default Your Mind To Gratitude: What is the smallest thing in life that causes your heart to open? A non-conditional experience, person, or thing that causes you a split second of calm. That is what I'd like you to connect to in the moments between your thoughts.

Example: On really challenging days I can have a hard time thinking of something to be grateful for (little flares of random stubbornness), but for some reason, I can always connect to nature. So I focus on taking my mind for a walk in nature and it starts to loosen up the tightness in the mind, allowing for deeper breathe and greater resourcefulness.

2) Ask yourself, "How can I make this happen?" Sometimes we can get stuck on focusing on what we don't have, which is only a limiting belief. Instead of thinking, "I can't afford that, or I can't do that." Simply notice when those thoughts occur and switch it to "How can I make this happen." When you say this "question" in a statement tone, solutions and resourcefulness will start to flow your way. You may be surprised at the answers that have been waiting to come to you! 

3) Take it easy on yourself! You are doing an amazing job with all the resources you have available to you; which includes everything that you have learned, everything you have been given, and all the people that surround you. Take a moment to acknowledge the part of you that has taken action to get you to where you are. Also, take a deep breathe and tell part of you that gives you moments of inspiration and the ability to receive goodness in life, "Thank you, and I give myself permission to take it easy on myself." 

Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Cost Of Pleasure | Pleasure and Pain: Two Sides Of The Same Coin

 “Pleasure and Pain are Two Sides of The Same Coin” ~ Oneness Phenomenon Avatar

Sitting in a meditation hall filled with a few hundred people in southern India I wondered what the heck he was saying. Pleasure seemed like a good thing to me at the time. Pleasure, happiness, joy, bliss, it was all the same, wasn’t it? And then I went a little deeper…

The cost of pleasure is always paid with pain (suffering), because pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin.  The face on both sides of this coin is the ego. The ego arrives in humans around the age of 2-4 years old. You may notice if you watch a child it is at this time that their eyes will change, just a bit. Suddenly there is a “me” or “mine.” At first it may seem cute, and then not so much.

You could look at the ego as a jar for the many parts, or personalities of a human being. Each experience allows for a new and unique part (anger, fear, happiness, contentment, excitement, etc.) to be added to the container. Different circumstances or triggers will call up any given part, in any given order, at any given time. Sometimes multiple parts will arise at the same time, and sometimes parts or personalities may not even know about each other. I’m not talking about multiple personality disorder; just ordinary mentally stable people have parts within themselves, which do not know about each other. Have you ever heard someone say something in one moment and then a day later contradict themselves? This is an example of parts within their container popping up and out at different times. Both things they stated are completely true to them, in the moment they were said, because of the part that was talking. Of course this is an extremely simplified version of a complex system but the goal is to give your mind a picture of the ego and how it keeps personalities alive.

So how does this have anything to do with pleasure and pain? Well, the ego’s job is to survive and to do that it will create an idea and aim to have its person fixate on that idea. It could be a question that needs an answer; it could be an object of affection that once obtained would be “the thing” that would make all suffering disappear. But here is where it is interesting. The ego will carefully craft the desired idea so that once it is obtained it will automatically lead a person back to pain, because a new object of affection (or a new question) will be introduced to a different personality within a person; which will begin the cycle once again. It is quite a cleaver program!

There are multiple ways to see the program and begin to dissolve it. Because of its complexity there are many levels; however I will focus on just one simple technique for you today.

Start by noticing what things trigger different personalities within yourself. Is there something that causes pleasure in your life but always goes sideways, and you find yourself starting from the beginning? What is that thing? An example could be a getting a certain car, job, house, or relationship. If the thing is taken away, are you in pain? If so, you know that was a game of the ego because what you were actually experiencing was pleasure, which is conditional.

When the ego has dissolved true happiness will come from the heart; there will be a sense of knowing when happiness is present. There will be a connectedness with true happiness that cannot be tinkered with by the ego, the mind, or negative thoughts.  Happiness just is, and then there can be sadness, or other emotions that flow freely. The expansion of life is about feeling all feelings no matter what arises. There could be happiness, sadness, anger, rage, fear, and once fully connected there will not be a preference for one or the other because you are experiencing life and nothing can shake you, because you realize at a deeper level, that this is why you came here. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

This is Prayer

Yes, sometimes angels or guides talk to me, and sometimes it gets so intense that I am required to write it down. What is being said is not always for me directly, but an answer to the collective calling that is going to heaven. I have notebooks full of this stuff. This is one of those times I had to write, and this one seems like it needs to be shared. Even if it scares me to do so. This is their message today as humanity is experiencing the shootings in America, and anger is having its way with how civilization is living. I try to write it purely as it comes to me and emphasizing the images or words that they say the loudest or with a visual picture as they are talking. It may or may not resonate with you, but here it is... 

"When a side is chosen, your heart has already lost. 

The burning heart of Christ consciousness.
Feels kind of "Da vinci Code," but whatever.
It's okay to tell your mind that it does not have to chose a side. I encourage you to go past that, go past the mind, which is only good at separation and sides (in this situation). When you go past the story you end up in your heart. In you heart you will feel the pain and the hurt, anger and rage that has bubbled up in humanity. If you are a warrior you might be able to sit with those feelings. It is not comfortable. You may feel like running away, it may be easier to return back into your mind and start the deadly cyclical pattern of hashing out the stories. The mind will automatically have you choosing a side. Remember once the mind has you rationally choosing a side and providing you with all the back up information of why your side is right or just, the heart has lost. Now, if you can, if you choose too, take seven deep breathes. Put your hands on your heart center. Ask to feel the feelings that others are not able too. Those who are in their minds are not in their hearts. It is impossible. What is it that they are scared of? Fear of feeling, fear of letting the anger hit their nervous systems. If one was truly angry they would let the anger sink into their body. Saying one is angry and lashing out at others is not being angry. Being angry is feeling anger and going inward. It is not about another, it would be about them(self). Truly feeling anger does not lash out at another. It integrates into their body, into their own nervous system. It may be painful in the heart center. Depending on where your anger is stored in the body, certain body parts may start to feel intense. Do you realize by sitting with this, letting this integrate and burn off through your body you are burning off the anger and rage of humanity? Do you realize that this is what being a true warrior is all about? Do you realize that all burning tapers off and eventually become extinct? You are doing what most run away from. Burning off the anger and rage of humanity is not going to be done through laws or rules or rallies, because the very nature of those laws and rules and rallies means that sides have been taken and the mind is in control. One cannot be in their mind and their heart at the same time. Healing humanity can only be done through the heart. When will you go there? Please go there." 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Power of Authentic Ugly Cries after Divorce

I recently read a fun article on Huffpost titled "5 Signs You've Chosen An Emotionally Healthy Partner" and it guided me to contemplate the little things that I chose to do, in order to get to where I wanted to go. I am now in a happy, healthy, and flourishing relationship, here's how it started. 

One thing I needed to do before I found my wonderful husband was to list all of the things I wanted in a partner. I was in the middle of a breakdown and in a very humble place after a failed marriage. My list was very direct, and it came straight from my heart, it came from the essence of my being. At the time I wrote my list I had no time to mess around. I was calling on God with the biggest S.O.S. that I could create. The desperation of a girl who knew there was more for herself, either by herself, or with a very specific partner. After all I/we had things to do, and a world to change. (Even in my weakest point in life, my Earth objective was clear as crystal.)

Before I "technically" new what meditation was, my first meditation came during this desperate time. I lite three candles in the middle of the night during my 'ugly cries.'I stared into those candles and did this:
I looked at myself. I asked "Am I the type of person, that is on this type of person's list?" I got to see all of my ugliness. I was mean and defensive. I created stories from my fears and projected them in my relationships. I was not what people would call a "nice girl." I was also guilty of giving so much that I resented it, causing more fear, anger and even rage. I could see the type of man I wanted in my life would not deserve the type of venom I was unleashing. No one deserved this. Was this a pretty process? Nope, sure wasn't. But it was mine, and it was real, and it lead me away from a sad place that I can only recall to share the experience, to a life of bliss and unlimited growth.
What did I do about my newly realized venom? That is for another share, but I will tell you it took me around the world a few times and even more importantly it took me deep within myself. Before I knew about the book Eat, Pray, Love - I lived Eat, Pray, Love with a little more glitter and a little more magic. 

Ultimately I learned this:

♡♡♡ The best way to chose a healthy partner for yourself, is to be a healthy person for yourself on every level. Be the kind of person you'd want to be around. It's not only fun for others, it's fun for you. It makes a for a really great journey ♡♡♡

Friday, January 2, 2015


Dedicated to the little girl who was scared of everything on the horizon, feared what she did not know, judged what she did not understand and never gave up on remembering the Light... 

Nothing in Life is Permanent 

I walked into the small meditation room not really knowing what to expect. Immediately I felt a presence of something huge and loving. It was thick and if it was a color it would be a golden fog. I sat down and started crying. Tears flowed out of my eyes in a manner that I had only experienced once before except this time the emotion behind it was not of sadness or despair. I was sobbing for no logical reason and there was an intense amount of love and bliss surrounding my body. There was something pure and limitless about it. In hindsight I realize that I had experienced this feeling a few times in church when I was a small girl and I had experienced it again in my adult life when visiting the Golden City in Southern India.

This room was special; I came here with a specific list of intentions. The feeling of floating and no mind was strong but I told myself I'd try to stay grounded and I’d remember my list no matter what, saying every item out loud. So I started talking, “My intention here is to heal any sadness and hurt I’ve caused to others or others have caused to me, to remove any blocks stopping me from increasing the financial abundance in my life, to liberate my ancestors to the highest light of heaven and to clear any negative karma I have acquired through all of my lifetimes (male and female) connecting all of these lessons into this body, now, so that I may be a pure vessel for the Divine to flow through and make use of.” Looking back it seems like quite an extensive and heavy list of requests, but at the time it was all that was there. It was all that I could focus on and it was flowing straight from my heart.

In the moment of saying my intentions out loud I felt like I had floated to a very special temple. This temple is a real life location in Southern India. The first time I visited this temple I was on a journey of self-discovery, it was my 1st time traveling outside of the United States by myself and of all places to test my travel skills, I picked an isolated place in the middle of nowhere in Southern India. It turns out there was no better place to find myself than in the middle of nowhere, completely lost.

During my 1st soIo trip abroad I had randomly met a group of amazing people from Norway and they became my travel companions. They happened to be traveling to the same temple as me (2 hour away from Chennai) and we decided to share a cab. After some horrible communication barriers and getting lost for an extra 3 hours I suddenly started laughing. The laughter was uncontrollable and there were tears running down my eyes, it felt like the top of my head had something pouring into it and my body felt light and full of energy. The laughter was pure bliss, and then Lise one of my new friends started laughing as well. We were looking at each other just laughing ourselves to pieces. Still riding in the cab I looked up and in the distance I could see the most majestic white temple I had ever laid my eyes on.  I instantly had an understanding that the energy field of the temple was having an effect on my kudalini (causing the bliss to run through my body). Little did I know that THIS was when my adventure and my life began.

 | My special temple in Southern India | 

Back in the little mediation room in Iowa, USA the tears, and the laughter and the bliss were rushing through my body. I had received a clear answer that, “YES, everything that you wish for you will receive.” I also saw a vision of a specific piece of sacred geometry. This vision was one of the designs on the top floor of that very special temple in Southern India. I saw it emerge from my back and lay directly on the opposite side of my heart chakra. It looked like a tattoo. It felt like it had been there before and it felt like it was ready to be there again.

Many more mystical things happened in that meditation room and perhaps I will post about that in the future. Regarding the vision I saw and felt on my back, after I had some time to integrate the energy more insights came to my awareness.
1. Nothing in life is permanent.
2. This isn’t your 1st time having this tattoo.
3. This symbol comes to you when you are on the path to your purpose (the reason I came to Earth). 
4. You are always completely taken care of.

Three days after this experience I decided to get a better understanding of what this symbol meant. I knew nothing about it. This is what I found: It is called a Sri Yantra (Sri Chakra) and it is super awesome. 

| The Sri Yantra I visualized and focused on while singing the Moola Mantra during my 4.5 hour long tattoo process. |

Sri Yantra

Sri yantra, also known as Sri Chakra, is called the King of all yantras because all other yantras derive from it. In its three dimensional forms Sri Yantra is said to represent Mount Meru, the cosmic mountain at the center of the universe.

The Sri Yantra is conceived as a place of spiritual pilgrimage. It is a representation of the cosmos at the macrocosmic level and of the human body at the microcosmic level (each of the circuits correspond to a chakra of the body).

Sri Yantra is first referred to in an Indonesian inscription dating to the seventh century C.E. It may have existed in India, its country of origin, long before the time of its introduction to Indonesia.

The Sri Yantra is a configuration of nine interlocking triangles, surrounded by two circles of lotus petals with the whole encased within a gated frame, called the "earth citadel". The nine interlocking triangles centered around the bindu (the central point of the yantra) are drawn by the superimposition of five downward pointing triangles, representing Shakti ; the female principle and four upright triangles, representing Shiva ; the male principle. The nine interlocking triangles form forty three small triangles each housing a presiding deity associated with particular aspects of existence.

Man's spiritual journey from the stage of material existence to ultimate enlightenment is mapped on the Sri Yantra. The spiritual journey is taken as a pilgrimage in which every step is an ascent to the center, a movement beyond one's limited existence, and every level is nearer to the goal. Such a journey is mapped in stages, and each of these stages corresponds with one of the circuits of which the Sri Yantra is composed from the outer plane to the bindu in the center.

The Tattoo Process

It was as simple as Googling "Sri Yantra Tattoo." There is actually a tattoo shop with that namesake. It is a place that focuses on Sacred Geometry and was clearly where I needed to go. I booked the appointment and both the flights and hotel. Six months later we were on our way to San Fransisco!

After a stop to pick up some healthy healing foods we were in Oakland meeting Dillon Forte of Sri Yantra Tattoo. In my opinion Dillon is someone who is blessed to have found his calling and I feel grateful to have found him. 

Video of Tattoo Day! 

And the process began....

During the process I was in a very meditative state, chanting the Moola Mantra and visualizing the Sri Yantra located underneath the center spire of my special temple in India. I had some extra help by using hypnotherapy to help center and calm me. Of course being well hydrated and having light nutritious food circulating through the cells of my body helped the whole process go smoothly. 
| I focused on the Sri Yantra located below the center spire you see in this photo to calm and center myself during the 4.5 hour tattoo process. |
Everyone asks, "Did it hurt?" The truth is that I was calm and there was a sense of peace. There were moments that were intense but there was always a level of relaxation. Relaxing into the intensity was all I needed to do and before I knew it the moment had passed. I was not aware of how long the tattoo would take or where we were in the process, but during the last 10 shots of ink tears started running down my cheeks and there was a feeling of coming home. Then just as the tattoo had started, it was complete.

What is the end of this little tale? I don't feel there is one, this is a story of an amazing life that is just beginning...

To be a pure vessel of Light, a portal for the Cosmos to Awaken humanity.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Quality - Renovation Raiders Experience

What level of quality are the Renovation Raiders rooms put together? This is a valid question and I’ve answered it a lot to family & friends because of the recent renovation through the show.

Sometime people ask questions out of curiosity, sometimes they ask questions or make comments from fear, anger or doubt. A person must use some serious inner integrity to recognize where their questions or comments are coming from. For anyone just curious from their heart, I'm happy to share ...

The Job: My experience is my truth. In my experience everyone who works on this show truly cares about the final product and they are artists at what they do. It is not “just for TV”. The production company for this particular show has integrity and my house was loved and taken care of very well during my whole experience. In our instance the surprise was for my husband. They were very detailed in asking me what my husband would like the room to look like. Their concern was never about what they wanted it to look like. The focus of the whole crew was on making my husband (and therefore me) happy with the changes that were to take place. What did we dream of? Someplace relaxing and peaceful that brought in lots of earthy/natural elements. They did such an amazing job and not only was my husband completely in shock when we came home from dinner, but so was I (and I knew that the renovation was going to occur)!
Relaxing by our new fireplace! It gets used a ton. None of the
decorative wood on the sides gets burned of course, and also - no bugs ;)
The Details: In the end were there details that my husband and I will finish ourselves? Of course! Little things that we are glad to do, because putting the finishing touches on a job that huge sealed the deal and made it even more ours! (Plus they left all the extra supplies for us in case we wanted to touch up paint, etc.). Not only did we not have to pay for anything done in our house (as advertised on the production company website), but the work the Raiders do is carefully crafted and well thought out with the homeowners in mind. It is mind blowing. 
Inspectors are on site and everything is up to – or surpasses code. How do I know this? Because on June 27th the day our show aired, a city inspector showed up at our house (she was walking around our yard approving the final inspection for a new roof we had installed), it just so happened that she was the inspector that was at our house the night the Raiders remodeled. I invited her in and she told me all about her experience watching the Renovation Raiders do their work on the night of the remodel. It was so cool to hear the story from her view point. She said Amy was a wonder woman, digging in and helping out with every aspect of the remodel. She said it was like a perfectly choreographed dance, it was the coolest thing she had seen in her whole life, and that everything they did exceeded the city's code regulations. Very cool to hear.

7 months after the remodel, the inspector posing under the new header,
which allowed our load bearing wall to be removed.

The Good Life: The remodel is more beautiful than anything we could have done ourselves and seven months later we couldn't be more happy or grateful for this Miraculous Gift!

Want to see the full episode? It's now free online HERE!

Life is beautiful: Our little buddies enjoying their new spot in front of the window.