Friday, July 8, 2016

This is Prayer

Yes, sometimes angels or guides talk to me, and sometimes it gets so intense that I am required to write it down. What is being said is not always for me directly, but an answer to the collective calling that is going to heaven. I have notebooks full of this stuff. This is one of those times I had to write, and this one seems like it needs to be shared. Even if it scares me to do so. This is their message today as humanity is experiencing the shootings in America, and anger is having its way with how civilization is living. I try to write it purely as it comes to me and emphasizing the images or words that they say the loudest or with a visual picture as they are talking. It may or may not resonate with you, but here it is... 

"When a side is chosen, your heart has already lost. 

The burning heart of Christ consciousness.
Feels kind of "Da vinci Code," but whatever.
It's okay to tell your mind that it does not have to chose a side. I encourage you to go past that, go past the mind, which is only good at separation and sides (in this situation). When you go past the story you end up in your heart. In you heart you will feel the pain and the hurt, anger and rage that has bubbled up in humanity. If you are a warrior you might be able to sit with those feelings. It is not comfortable. You may feel like running away, it may be easier to return back into your mind and start the deadly cyclical pattern of hashing out the stories. The mind will automatically have you choosing a side. Remember once the mind has you rationally choosing a side and providing you with all the back up information of why your side is right or just, the heart has lost. Now, if you can, if you choose too, take seven deep breathes. Put your hands on your heart center. Ask to feel the feelings that others are not able too. Those who are in their minds are not in their hearts. It is impossible. What is it that they are scared of? Fear of feeling, fear of letting the anger hit their nervous systems. If one was truly angry they would let the anger sink into their body. Saying one is angry and lashing out at others is not being angry. Being angry is feeling anger and going inward. It is not about another, it would be about them(self). Truly feeling anger does not lash out at another. It integrates into their body, into their own nervous system. It may be painful in the heart center. Depending on where your anger is stored in the body, certain body parts may start to feel intense. Do you realize by sitting with this, letting this integrate and burn off through your body you are burning off the anger and rage of humanity? Do you realize that this is what being a true warrior is all about? Do you realize that all burning tapers off and eventually become extinct? You are doing what most run away from. Burning off the anger and rage of humanity is not going to be done through laws or rules or rallies, because the very nature of those laws and rules and rallies means that sides have been taken and the mind is in control. One cannot be in their mind and their heart at the same time. Healing humanity can only be done through the heart. When will you go there? Please go there."