Monday, October 9, 2017

3 Mindful Ways To Have A Great Week

Your Conscious Mind can process 5-9 bits of information per second. Compared to your Unconscious Mind which can process 12 million bits of information in the same time. So I've compiled 3 easy mindful ways for you to consciously create a great week for yourself!

1) Default Your Mind To Gratitude: What is the smallest thing in life that causes your heart to open? A non-conditional experience, person, or thing that causes you a split second of calm. That is what I'd like you to connect to in the moments between your thoughts.

Example: On really challenging days I can have a hard time thinking of something to be grateful for (little flares of random stubbornness), but for some reason, I can always connect to nature. So I focus on taking my mind for a walk in nature and it starts to loosen up the tightness in the mind, allowing for deeper breathe and greater resourcefulness.

2) Ask yourself, "How can I make this happen?" Sometimes we can get stuck on focusing on what we don't have, which is only a limiting belief. Instead of thinking, "I can't afford that, or I can't do that." Simply notice when those thoughts occur and switch it to "How can I make this happen." When you say this "question" in a statement tone, solutions and resourcefulness will start to flow your way. You may be surprised at the answers that have been waiting to come to you! 

3) Take it easy on yourself! You are doing an amazing job with all the resources you have available to you; which includes everything that you have learned, everything you have been given, and all the people that surround you. Take a moment to acknowledge the part of you that has taken action to get you to where you are. Also, take a deep breathe and tell part of you that gives you moments of inspiration and the ability to receive goodness in life, "Thank you, and I give myself permission to take it easy on myself." 

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